

It’s good to see you!

Welcome to Drawing The Line Somewhere.

Hello, old friend. Where are we going today? Fun fact: this is the actual mechanical pencil lead holder I used to draw the sample pages that got me into the comics biz. I’m still using it today.

You’re probably asking yourself why I’ve launched this newsletter.

Okay, maybe you’re not, but I’m going to tell you anyway.

When I was ten, my 5th-grade teacher, Ms. Dorothy Cohen, nicknamed me “Luna.” I hated it, and my classmates used it to tease me unmercifully. Today, I look back on it fondly, very much the way I know Ms. Cohen intended it because I make a living doing what I used to get yelled at for doing in school.

I look out the window, daydream, and doodle in my notebook.1

One of the things I love most about the comics industry, and it’s truly unique in this way, is that it allows me, and any creator who chooses, the opportunity to interact with you and fans from around the world through conventions, panels, and social media. And while many people have helped me along the way, there’s been no one more important than you. Whether you love my stuff or feel I’ve destroyed your childhood (sorry about that), I’m forever grateful because I get paid to make stuff up for a living, and that doesn’t happen without you!

For those who don’t know me or accidentally stumbled onto this page while Googling delicious Mexican cuisine…

I’ve been a professional comic book artist, writer, publisher, and editor for over thirty years, Editor in Chief and Chief Creative Officer at Marvel for twenty-two, and I’ve been involved with more projects across animation, video games, theme parks, TV, and movies than I can remember. Okay, that part’s a lie, but it’s a lot to type, and that’s what Wikipedia and IMDb are for.

So, why should you subscribe if you haven’t already?

Maybe because the subscribe button looks so gosh darn sexy?

Or better yet, because it’s FREE!

And if you subscribe now, I’ll waive all hidden fees, and in-app purchases, which makes it SUPER FREE! Sorry, but current FREE subscribers are ineligible.

Plus, over the coming months, you’ll also get the following:

  • Untold behind-the-scenes stories and anecdotes: some may actually be true.

  • Tutorials: art, writing, storytelling, and industry advice. Disclaimer: consider the source; your mileage may vary.

  • Fashion tips: just checking to see if you were still with me.

  • Interviews: vodcast or a podcast if I’m having a bad hair day.

  • Hear and see it here first: special announcements, new and never-before-seen art and stories, process vids, news, and photo updates with a 100% filterless guarantee!

Special features like…

  •  I’m Sorry, What?!? I hear some dumb-ass theories about the comic biz on the internet, some even by well-meaning people. Hey, Occam, can I borrow a razor?

  • Never Meet Your Heroes. Stories about my first encounters with my own personal legends. They might be yours too!

  • This Changes Everything! The phrase has been a trope of comic book marketing since the dawn of hyperbole. I haven’t a clue what this feature will be about, but I’m laying claim to the name, and I’m pretty sure… ahem, that nothing will ever be the same again!

And my favorite part, we get to do the interaction thing!

  • Fun with discussion boards: we’re a family, right?

  • Substack Notes: it’s a new thing. I hear it’s made Twitter X jealous. Can’t we all be friends?

  • “Ask Me Whatever.” Prescheduled live chats. Just you, me, and my AI assistant.

And lots of other stuff I haven’t thought of yet.

So, I see you’ve made it this far…

I hope it means you’ll slap that ol’ subscribe button and come along for the ride.

Thanks for reading, and make sure to keep spreading the word. Yeah, there’s another button coming up. See ya in the funny books!

You’re Amazing!

Joe “Luna” Quesada

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Do you have something you’d like to see in this newsletter, a subject tackled, or question answered? Reach out to me here.


Suck it, Class 510!

Subscribe to Joe Quesada's Drawing the Line Somewhere

After three-plus decades as a professional storyteller, twenty-two of them at Marvel, I've got tales to tell, opinions to give, myths to debunk, art to show, tutorials to share, and, most importantly, your questions to answer.


I make stuff up. Sometimes I get paid to do it. Former Marvel Editor in Chief and Chief Creative Officer. Writer, Artist, Director, EP Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, etc.